Why We Believe in Creation, Not in Evolution

By Fred Meldau

(1899­1969)Long Editor, Christian Victory Magazine



The universe of which we are a part is a vast, orderly, majestic array of stars, planets, nebulae and galaxies of unbelievable immensity! This great universe is a witness for God, its Creator.

1. The universe had a beginning. The stars, as all know, are diffusing radiation light and heat and would have burned out ages ago were they eternal. We know that matter in the stars, through the slow processes of nuclear fusion, is being gradually transformed into energy in the form of heat and light radiation. Even though, according to modern science, the universe is five to ten billion years old, it had a beginning and is now slowly running down-burning out.

Nothing cannot create something; so prior to creation there had to be an eternal God who made all things. Creation demands a Creator. This truth is given in the Bible and based upon simple logic. We know that every building must have a builder; therefore we know that the universe, the greatest building of all had to have an omnipotent Builder! Here is the Bible presentation of this fact: For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God (Heb. 3:4).

2. It took inconceivable power to start the universe in motion, and it takes unlimited power to keep it going. That demands an Almighty Creator.

Left to itself, the baseball lies motionless on the ground until picked up and twirled by the pitcher. The vast accumulation of matter in the stars is all in ceaseless motion, revolving at terrific speeds and in tremendous orbits. Someone had to start it all and Someone has to keep it going.

Remember, the universe is not an absolute vacuum. Scattered very sparsely throughout all space are hydrogen atoms and, in some sections, hydrogen clouds. There are also minute particles of matter‹meteors and other matter scattered through space. Matter of any kind, even though very sparsely scattered, tends to slow down moving objects. The satellites that men have thrust into outer space all slow down and plunge back into our atmosphere in time. But the sun, moon, earth and stars to which God gave the original thrust, keep going. Our earth in its orbit doesn't vary one second in a century in its travels around the sun!

The endless motion of the stars in their orbits is controlled motion. The universe is not in chaos, but all follows an orderly pattern. This could only be possible through a superintending Source of power and intelligence on the Infinite plane.

For the invisible things of him [God] from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they [who deny God] are without excuse.


For by him [Christ] were all things created and by him all things consist

[are held together]. Col. 1:16,17.

3. The universe is controlled and directed by laws‹and the fact of law infers a Lawgiver.

Without laws, there is a state of chaos; but where an able governor or governing body exists, laws are made and administered. There are two primary laws of the universe: gravitation and inertia.

Gravitation is that strange power that exerts itself through vast
distances and pulls other objects to itself. No one knows the secret of this universal law of gravitation; no one can explain why or how it exerts its certain but subtle pull. Were it not for this law and power of gravitation, the universe could not exist. Certainly God originated this mysterious power.

Inertia is that equally potent and mysterious law that rules that all
moving objects keep going at the same rate and in the same direction
unless changed by the pull of gravity or slowed down by friction. It is the interplay of the laws of gravitation and inertia that keeps the stars moving in their orbits. This finely coordinated system that works on a universe-wide scale was put into effect by the Creator. To believe that these two laws just happened is incredible.

4. The universe is an orderly array of vast galaxies that shows definite design. The universe is not a jumbled, chaotic mess, working on a hit-or-miss system of blind chance. Design and orderliness demand a Designer.

The involved wheels and cogs and springs of a watch demand an intelligent,capable maker. The universe, a far more involved and intricate watch with wheels within wheels turning in vast orbits in orderly galaxies and super galaxies and complicated systems of galaxies‹runs in majestic obedience to its Maker, the supreme Lord of the universe.

The universe is shoutingly full of design, plan, intention, purpose, and reason.

(Sir Oliver Lodge, British scientist)

The scientist¹s religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law which reveals an Intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection. (Albert Einstein,

The Word As I See It)

The heavens are orderly. The stars are not scattered helter-skelters. They are arranged in orderly systems called galaxies. (Leo Patterson)

There is matter in the universe: Someone had to make it. Most of the
matter in the universe is in an incandescent state and is slowly consuming itself hence we know it had a start. Otherwise it would have been burned out ages ago.

There is motion in the universe: Someone had to start it.

There is controlled motion in the universe: Someone has to keep it going.

There is orderly, controlled motion in the universe: Someone had to plan and design it.

This universe is so vast in both the size and number of the stars it
contains, as well as in the inconceivably vast distances between them,that its Creator and Designer must be of infinite power and infinite intelligence.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his
handiwork. Ps. 19:1.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen. 1:1.


If the macrocosm the universe is a witness for the Creator, so is the
microcosm the atom and its infinitesimal particles.

All matter in the entire universe is made up of incredibly small building blocks called atoms. There are currently 109 known elements in the universe, each of which is made up of atoms of one kind. These elements range in the atomic scale from hydrogen,the lightest to uranium and beyond.

Sixty years ago the atom was defined as the smallest indivisible particle of a chemical element. But in this century, scientists have discovered with mounting astonishment first, that the atom is made up of three essential particles (protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons that revolve at high speed around the nucleus); second, that these three minute particles are subdivided into upwards of thirty particles of matter and energy!

Up to 1954 scientists enumerated nineteen or twenty particles in the atom; but in the September, 1958 issue of the Scientific American is an article that lists 32 sub-atomic particles of matter and energy presently known to physicists. The list includes the photon, pion, neutrino, electron,positron, proton, meson, and a fantastic list of other particles that are all Greek to the uninitiated and stagger the imagination of layman and scientist alike.

The Miracles of the Atom

When we consider the tremendous miracles of the atom, we marvel with
indefinable amazement at the power and ingenuity of the Creator. In the realm of the atom, all is controlled by law and order of the most
exquisite type in an invisible world so minute that the nucleus of an atom is only a millionth of a millionth of a millimeter in diameter! And the electrons  shwirl at terrific speeds (hundreds of millions of times per second) around the nucleus in orbits whose diameters are about 10,000 times larger than the nucleus! The inside of an atom is almost all-empty space!

Each atom has two balanced electric charges: the proton has a positive charge, and the electron has a negative charge that exactly balances it.

But the crowning miracle of the atom is the immense, cohesive force in its nucleus. In the nucleus of the atom is one of the few reversals of natural law that speaks of special, divine design in the creation of the atom.

Usually, like charges of electricity in different objects close to each other repel each other; but in the nucleus of the atom the Creator has superseded this with another law, so that though all protons have a positive charge, they are bound together by some unknown force of terrifying power. This phenomenon is the most mystifying fact about the utterly mysterious atom and has been called the basic mystery of the universe (World Within Atoms).

The cement that holds the universe together is the force of gravity. The glue holding the atom together is electro-magnetic attraction. But the glue that holds the nucleus of the atom together is a mystery that defies all our experience and knowledge of the physical world. It is a force so unlike any we know that we can hardly find words to describe it. (Robert E. Marshak, in Article on PIONS in the Scientific American magazine)

This truly terrifying energy, coiled and compressed like a great spring by a Giant hand, is known the world over as nuclear energy and is of immense power so much so that one atom bomb or one hydrogen bomb has as much power as thousands of tons of TNT!

Who can believe that the atom, with its microscopic marvels, so minute that even an electron microscope magnifying a million diameters cannot detect a fractional part of the maze of wonders in its heart, is the work of blind chance or brainless evolution? One look into the heart of the atom should convince all, in this universe governed by law and characterized by marvels,of the infinite power and skill and ingenuity of the omnipotent Creator! He alone has what it takes to create an atom and a universe made up of atoms.


From a hundred viewpoints one can see that our world was especially
designed to be a habitable planet.

All theories‹save one (which is truth, not theory)‹of the origin of our solar system are stymied by stubborn facts. For instance, one of Saturn's moons revolves in retrograde motion, opposite to the others. This phenomenon occurs also in some other moons of other planets in our solar system.

This odd phenomenon as well as others, such as the abnormally slow motion of our sun, throws a monkey wrench into popular theories concerning the origin of our solar system. The one explanation of the origin of our solar system that remains unrefuted is that of divine creation. The evidence for the divine creation of our solar system is overwhelming. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1:1).

1. We are astonished by the array of correct adjustments that have made our planet a livable place. Forethought, planning and design are
everywhere in evidence.

The mass and size of the earth‹and its distance from the sun‹are just
right to insure the right amount of atmosphere and a livable temperature.

If the world were 9,500 miles in diameter instead of 8,000, it would
double the weight of the air and with twice as much oxygen in the air, the amount of water on earth would be greatly increased, so much so that the entire planet would be covered with an ocean.

If the earth were much smaller than it is, its gravitational pull would be less, so that it would not be able to hold as much air as we now have; and life on earth would be impossible.

The earth¹s axis is tilted just right to give us the maximum amount of land area for man to live on and cultivate.

The earth rotates on its axis at the right speed,to give us a good,
average temperature for both day and night.

Our sun is just the right size relative to our earth,and therefore it
sends to us just the right amount of light and heat. Were the sun larger or smaller, closer or farther away, we would either scorch to death or freeze into arctic sterility.

Our moon and our tides are just right. If our moon were twice as large or only half as far away, its tidal pull would wreck our harbors and periodically inundate our coastal plains.

We have exactly the right kind of atmosphere, with the various elements in just the right amounts. Were our atmosphere other in its composition than it is, life on earth would be impossible.

2. The marvelous miracle of a self-adjusting economy on our earth. Plants in photosynthesis exhale oxygen and use carbon dioxide gas; animals and man exhale carbon dioxide and use oxygen; and so plants and animals tend to balance each other, and this tends to keep the economy of earth solvent.

There is an important nitrogen cycle necessary for life on earth.
Microorganisms nitrogen-fixing bacteria take nitrogen from the air and put it into the soil; lightning does the same thing. Soon all nitrogen in the air would be exhausted were it not that other microorganisms (bacteria)decompose chitin, lignins and other organic compounds and release nitrogen and oxygen back into the air.

There are many other cycles that keep the earth and the air and the water of the sea rejuvenated: the carbon cycle, the soil cycle, the ocean food cycle, and others.

The whole chain of life is self-adjusting and self-regulating to an
amazing degree! God made it so.

3. The miracle of the ozone belt. A belt of ozone twelve to fifteen miles up in our atmosphere shields us from killer rays (including the deadly long ultraviolet ray) from the sun. Were that ozone not there, life on earth would be impossible! The ozone filters out these killer rays. It is impossible to believe that such provisions just happened.

4. The miracle of water. Waterbelieve it or not is practically unknown elsewhere in the universe! (The stars are all very hot masses.) Without water, life on earth would be utterly impossible. Not only is there an abundance of water in the lakes, rivers and oceans of the world and in the clouds and atmosphere above the earth, there are odd facts about the oceans that mark it as being of special importance in the economy of the earth.

The Creator so planned the oceans and the life therein that they become an essential to life on earth.

5. The Creator¹s foresight and provision for the needs of man. The Creator put a sufficient supply of precious metals gold, silver, platinum, the earth to provide for the needs of men.

He also put larger amounts of the industrial metals in the earth so man could engage in manufacturing, industry and commerce.

The earth is blessed with large amounts of iron, copper, aluminum, etc.,necessary in an industrial era. He also buried in the earth coal,oil and natural gas, to be found and used by men when they needed it! Moreover,He created a vital supply of uranium and other fissionable materials to be used by men in this nuclear era.

6. The miracle of the stable elements. The backbone of all life on earth is the way the Creator made the 109 elements. These elements‹from hydrogen to uranium and beyond are just what man needs, as they exist in nature.

Moreover, they combine into hundreds of thousands of chemical
combinations all with the infinite precision of absolute perfection.

The stability of the elements argues against evolution. They unite in
strict conformity to atomic weights. No druggist's prescriptions are made up with the thousandths part of the accuracy with which nature works.

Excepting in the stars where hydrogen,through nuclearfusion,turns into helium and on earth‹where a few radioactive elements degenerate into baser metals there is no change whatever from generation to generation in the atomic makeup of the elements! (Man can change the atomic structure of the elements by his atom-smashing machines but this does not happen in nature to any appreciable degree, excepting in the exceedingly high temperatures of the stars.) There is no evolution whatever in the inorganic world! And if any change is made (such as hydrogen to helium) it is a step downward.

In the case of stars, it is a step toward their eventual death.

7. How did life on earth originate? Life is here in great abundance.
Either it arose through some process of spontaneous generation or the
Creator made it.

There are two facts that prove the impossibility of spontaneous
generation. One is the second law of thermodynamics; the other is the
necessity of having, as a prerequisite for life on earth, the presence on earth of some form of organic compounds. Boiled down to the minimal requirement, proteins on earth were necessary before the advent of life.

But proteins are organic‹that is, they are a product of life as well as a requirement for life.

Consider the inference, deadly to the theory of evolution, involved in the second law of thermodynamics!

Fred Kohler, ardent evolutionist, discusses the problem of the origin of life in his book, Evolution and Human Destiny. Admitting that the
evolutionist faces a real problem in seeking to account for the origin of life on this planet, he says: Life represents matter organized into systems of great complexity.

One of the most fundamental maxims of the physical sciences is the trend toward greater randomness (degeneracy); the fact that on the average things will get into disorder rather than into order if left to themselves is essentially the statement embodied in the second law of thermodynamics (pp.14,15). ( An automobile left by itself rusts away. It will never turn into an airplane)

Protein molecules, the prerequisites for life, are exceedingly complex so much so that they are said to be the most complex substances known to man.

Two Cambridge men actually spent ten years unraveling the secrets of the insulin molecule a protein molecule!

Not only is the intricate protein molecule necessary before there can be life on earth, but the protein molecule must be a part of the living organism.

The simplest organism,in order to live and reproduce itself, must be
composed of at least 100 different kinds of protein molecules. For life to develop spontaneously, these 100 protein molecules must have originated simultaneously and at the same spot! (Douglas Dewar, British naturalist). (The eyeball would have had trillions of dead ends to overcome in order to develope). 

Dr. Melvin Calvin, discussing Evolution Before Life (Time Mag-azine,
11/17/58),suggests that possibly natural lightning, working on an
atmosphere dominated by hydrogen compounds, such as methane, ammonia and water vapor, formed a few simple amino acids. But lightning today does no such miracle.

Furthermore, he admits that the very agents (light and radiation) that form these compounds (amino acids) also tend to break them down, and thus produce equilibrium far below the living level. And so he quotes facts that destroy his own arguments for evolution, and yet he keeps right on believing in evolution!

And suppose that natural lightning ages ago did produce some simple amino acids that is a far cry from the highly complicated protein molecule that must exist in great abundance for either animal or plant life. Scientists today generally admit that the highly complex nucleic acid must exist before life could be produced spontaneously. But where did the first nucleic acid come from? Such complicated protein molecules do not just happen.

Moreover,according to the second law of thermodynamics, instead of nature developing highly complex proteins of itself, the tendency always and ever is toward greater randomness that is, toward more and more degeneracy rather than toward more and more highly complex molecules.

If genes are required to produce enzymes (and they are),then life began only when they (genes and enzymes) began. The material of life as we know it could have come into being only in a complex chemical environment (including the highly complex proteins, genes and nucleic acid, which come only from antecedent life). (The Gene, by Norman H. Horowitz, Scientific American)

So the second law of thermodynamics and the protein molecule have teamed up to show the world that evolution is an utter impossibility.


Some scientists believe that viruses were the first form of life to appear spontaneously, but this is impossible, for viruses are disease-producing parasites. That is, a virus cannot exist without a host cell. No virus has yet been grown in the absence of living cells (1956 Smithsonian Institute Report). These two facts spell the death knell of any evolutionary theory that viruses evolved from inorganic matter, for,of necessity, cells had to exist before viruses. Even the evolutionist would hesitate to admit that the first form of life was a death-dealing virus (poison).

There are other intriguing facts about viruses and their unusual system of reproduction that preclude any possibility of accounting for them by evolution.


Bacteria,one step in the scale of creation above viruses, are
microscopic,single-celled plants without chlorophyll. Since most bacteria do not live by the process of photosynthesis,they must live by ³destruction² rather than construction. Most bacteria live on organic matter.
Each bacterium consists of a single cell without a definite nucleus, much smaller than any other single-celled plant or animal. Bacteria are vital to our economy they were created for a purpose. Though not true of all bacteria, generally speaking, bacteria were created to be scavengers, to break down the bodies of the dead so that the vital organic elements in dead bodies and plants might be returned to the soil to be used by future generations. So they are vital to our economy. Were there no bacteria,life on earth would be impossible!

At least six diverse groups of bacteria are absolutely essential for the proper physiological functioning of the nitrogen cycle alone. If all microorganisms (bacteria) capable of decomposing chitin should be
exterminated, such a tragedy would eventually mean an end to life on

(La Monte C. Cole, in The Ecosphere, Apr.58 Scientific American)

So,if all bacteria were to evolve out of their present state, the very existence of life on earth would be jeopardized! Surely the Creator has produced a workable economy by the wide variety of life on earth‹one form of life assisting another, all forms interdependent and all working together (though they, of course, do not know what they are doing) for the good of the economy of nature as a whole.


20,000 Protozoa.

Each one of these 20,000 forms of minute life (protozoa) has its own
individuality! For instance, whereas the amoebae gets around by a  peculiar amoeboid movement-projecting a pseudopodia (false foot) from any part of its body the paramecium swims around by means of about 2500 cilia (short hairs) that cover its body.

Could any two forms of life, at least in regard to means of locomotion, be more dissimilar? Which evolved from which? And if they didn¹t evolve from each other but are cousins that evolved from the same ancestor as some evolutionists say, what was that common ancestor? They are both protozoa.

The amoeba has some striking characteristics that demand special creation.It can crawl by means of projecting its pseudo-pods; it can project a pseudopod at any point of its minute body; it projects its body at any point to absorb foods it eats, having no mouth; and it breathes, though it has neither gills nor lungs. It has no brain, yet it can distinguish inert particles from the microscopic plants and animals on which it feeds. In other words, the tiny amoebae exhibits what appears to be intelligence,even though it has no brain! No materialistic theory of evolution can account for this. The fact is,God made it so!

Although written many years ago, this article still remains pertinent,despite scientific advancements. The thesis is still true.


All life‹plant and animal (protozoa [single-celled] and metazoa
[many-celled])has as its primary building blocks the body cells. Cells are microscopic in size, and this enhances their wonders. The basic material in cells is called protoplasm, described as the most mysterious substance in the universe.

A cell is made up of: (1) the outer membrane; (2) a nucleus, in which are the chromosomes and genes; (3) cytoplasm, the gelatinous mass made of protoplasm.
In both the nucleus and the cytoplasm are many tiny substances having
peculiar and very definite functions. In the nucleus are small bodies
known as nucleoli and a number of extremely fine threads, the chromosomes; these in turn have the infinitesimally minute genes. In the cytoplasm are tiny substances having very definite functions, known as centrioles,centrosomes, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi bodies,etc.

The marvel of the cell is that it has miracles within miracles within
miracles down to a point where investigators can no longer discern the marvels. The cell itself is a most intricately devised, functioning machine a living machine. Inside the cell are scores of other intricately devised, functioning machines‹living machines.

For example:

Each cell has several hundred mitochondria that are constantly in
motion writhing about with a sort of ceaseless twisting. These hundreds of mitochondria have a work to do: they play a central role in the oxidation of the cell's foodstuffs.
And each mitochondrion itself has a most complete anatomy, recently
revealed by electron microscope studies. Inside the mitochondrion are tiny bodies whose contents and functions are entirely unknown.

Think of the marvel of this: a cell is microscopic in size; inside the cell,with thousands of other particles, are hundreds of minute
mitochondria. And inside each of these hundreds of mitochondria are many tiny bodies, each having a complete anatomy with a definite work to do!

That is so fantastically marvelous, it is unthinkable that anything or anyone less than a Supreme Being of infinite intelligence and power could create such an involved, living mechanism that is so tiny!

What is true of the mitochondria is also true of the chromosomes and genes in the nucleus of the cell: another case of miracles within miracles within miracles. The chromosomes are a minute part of the nucleus of the cell. The genes are a very minute part of the chromosomes;and wonder of wonders, we now know that each gene is subdivided into scores offunctional sites!

A single gene of a bacterial virus revealed more than one hundred
different functional sites arranged in linear order along the length of the gene.

(Seynour Benzer, Purdue; quoted in the Scientific American)

Man with his most powerful electron microscopes has been unable to find the limit of minuteness in the highly complex atoms, molecules, cells and genes!

God,the Creator, is a Master of marvels and wonders untold!

As a matter of fact, there are hundreds of miracles about the body cell that bear witness to the necessity of creation, for such complexity in the microscopic world could not be the result of chance.


Marvels untold in atoms,cells,genes,protein molecules and other
molecules are revealed by the electron microscope.

Few things in nature are more inscrutably marvelous than the wings of a blue butterfly. One scientist who studied a brilliant blue tropical
butterfly under the microscope discovered this incredible phenomenon.
There is a three-dimensional architecture on each wing scale. The wings are covered with these minute wing scales that overlap much as a roof is covered with shingles. The surfaces of these scales are covered with perfect structures rows upon rows of them that look like long, narrow skyscrapers on arching supports. Imagine each skyscraper to be made of a transparent material like glass and the distance between reflecting floors to be half a wavelength of light. Each of these particular scales reflects blue light and no other. These skyscrapers have floors about 1/100,000th of an inch apart! Remember, these skyscrapers are but minute portions of the infinitesimal scales on the wings of a butterfly.

So the color in the gorgeous wings of a blue tropical butterfly depends for variety on slight variations in the spacing of the reflecting floors,in the realm of a few hundred-thousandths of an inch!

The thousand and one attractive designs one sees on butterfly wings are designed by a lover of beauty, by an Architect who is perfectly at home in working with measurement down to 1/100,000th of an inch!

Not only its gorgeous wings but:


Before a caterpillar becomes a butterfly it must go through a complete cycle, called metamorphosis, in four stages: egg, larva (worm or caterpillar stage), pupa (cocoon stage) and then the adult butterfly.

The transformation that takes place in the cocoon,and the process of
disintegration before the formation of the butterfly, is so mysterious,science has no adequate explanation for it.

Within the dry shell of the cocoon the organs of the caterpillar dissolve;special cells are generated (in the apparently lifeless body) whose function is to devour the organs which once worked for the caterpillar and reduce them to a pulp,a seemingly formless glob,a kind of soup. A miracle then happens. Nothing remains unchanged. Jaws, claws, legs, digestive system all disappear. Then the shapes of the head, legs and thorax of the butterfly gradually appears and the first rough draft of the coming butterfly is dimly seen on the horny case of the chitin.

Is this not proof enough that one day we too will be changed into glorious beautiful creatures?

Commenting on this miracle of metamorphosis, one writer says:
The metamorphosis of the butterfly cannot reasonably be explained by any mechanical theory of evolution. The idea that this mysterious process, by which a certain form of animal is changed comparatively suddenly into something entirely different, and which goes on with undeviating regularity generation after generation, could have come about by the selection of chance variations or mutations, without plan and without directing force, is so contrary to intelligence and so basically unscientific that itis manifestly absurd. No theory of fortuitous variations can explain the process of metamorphosis. (Evolution: The Unproven Hypothesis, p. 48)

CREATION Adaptation has been defined by C. H. Waddington (Scientific

American) in these words:
Every kind of creature is endowed with or develops qualities‹we call them adaptations,which are neatly tailored to the requirements of its special mode of life. How these adaptations came into being is one of the thorniest problems of biology.

And Dr. Dobzhansky (also writing in the Scientific American) says:
Perhaps the most troublesome problem in the theory of evolution today is how the haphazard process of chance mutations and natural selection could have produced some of the wonderfully complicated adaptations in nature.

Consider for instance the structure of the human eye a most intricate
system composed of a great number of exquisitely adjusted and coordinated parts. Could such a system have arisen merely by the gradual accumulation of hundreds or thousands of lucky, independent mutations?

Not only this evolutionist but also all thinkers recognize that the
myriads of perfect adaptations in nature could hardly have come about
through the haphazard process of chance mutations.

In specialized organs one can see the perfect work of adaptation. Thinkfor a moment of the trunk of an elephant, a marvelously coordinated specialized organ having 20,000 muscles. Such an organ must be perfect to work at all. What good would a partly developed trunk be to an elephant?

Consider the quills of a porcupine, the retractable claws of a tiger, the eyes of an eagle, the beak of a woodpecker, the tongue of an anteater, and all other specialized organs. They had to be created perfectly and suddenly;otherwise, they would never serve their intended purpose.

The evolutionary idea of gradual development through random changes
through long ages of time could never produce a specialized organ, for it has to be perfect from the beginning to be useful. What good would a grass-hopper leg be that was designed for jumping if it were only partially developed? A partly developed tongue of the anteater would be worthless.

As far as we can see, no animal in the world needs evolving; they are
already perfectly adapted.

What, for instance, would a camel turn into? We need camels just as they are. What would a cow evolve into? We need cows. Every form of life is perfect as it is; the economy of nature needs all forms of life just as they are for a working unit.

Who designed such marvels as the leaves of the sundew? On their upper
surface the leaves have a scattering of erect hairs, each of which is
tipped with a tiny droplet of a pink, sticky substance.

Small insects that come to investigate the colorful droplets are soon
enmeshed. As they struggle to free themselves, the leaf begins to roll in from its edges. It engulfs the trapped insect, exudes digestive juices and absorbs the soft part of the insect! This entire procedure reveals an intelligent design.

Was it the intelligence of the sundew that designed it, or was it the
intelligence of the Creator? No one claims intelligence for materialistic evolution. A workable design demands a Designer.



In a thousand ways instinct is in evidence in nature. Instinct teaches a bee to make the honeycomb, the bird to build its characteristic nest and the eel to make its way from the Sargasso Sea to the rivers of Europe‹unguided and having never been there before.

One of the most amazing of all instincts is the migratory instinct. Forexample: the Pacific plover flies from Alaska to Hawaii, traversing thousands of miles over the trackless ocean wastes to find a tiny speck of an island in mid-ocean. In the spring it returns to Alaska. This is a mystery that has baffled scientists for years.

Here is another evidence of intelligence in actions not matched by
intelligence in the bird. Therefore, the Source of the intelligent action is not from the bird but from the Creator!



The miracle of interdependence is seen in cross-pollenization. Bees get nectar from flowers and leave the fertilizing pollen. Both bees and flowers benefit. In nature are hundreds of perfected schemes to insure pollenization. Here is an example:

The flowers pollenated by sunbirds,which settle on the plant,usually
stand erect and provide a landing platform. The petals of flowers
pollenated by birds are fused into a tube which holds copious quantities of thin nectar. The proportions of the tube often correspond to the length and curvature of the bird's bill.

This is most amazing: the flower and the bird are so made to help each other! Surely the bird didn¹t do the thinking and the designing to make this possible and of course the flower, having no brain, did not. Who made this mutually helpful design?

Scattered through nature are thousands of cases of interdependence called symbiosis or mutualism. One of the most amazing is the case of the yucca plant and the pronuba moth. The yucca plant is absolutely dependent on the little white moth that comes out only at night when the yucca buds open.

At the right moment the pronuba moths break out of their cocoons beneath the desert sand. They struggle into the air and head straight for the yucca flowers, attracted by their odor.

Following an intricate procedure, the moth deposits a wad of pollen at the base of the pistil,where she also pierces a hole with her egg-laying needle and lays eggs among the seed cells. The moth helps the plant,and the plant helps the moth; each would perish without the other.

Neither the moth nor the plant designed this, but a Third Party did! Here is perfect evidence of intelligent, planned, purposeful design. Such design demands a Designer.


The living things of a community form a natural balance. Birds and bats keep the insects from multiplying too rapidly; hawks feed on mice; wolves and foxes keep the rabbit population from getting out of hand; frogs eat flies. Flies multiply so rapidly that if all the offspring of a single pair of common houseflies lived to mature and reproduce, the earth would be blanketed beneath a layer of flies nearly fifty feet deep in less than six months! (U.S.D.A. Year Book). Spiders and insects, as well as birds and frogs, help keep the balance in nature by keeping down the fly population.

The Creator also created an intricate system to decompose dead tissue. If there were not some means of clearing the earth of lifeless tissues,life on earth would soon become impossible, for undecayed leaves, branches and corpses of animals would pile up and choke out all possibility of new life.

To rid the earth of dead tissues, the Creator made bacteria, fungi (molds,etc.), the necrophorus beetle,vultures,hyenas,among others,to keep the economy in nature in working order. This involved system could not just happen. Furthermore, the need of the world¹s growing economy is such that it demands bacteria and molds; were they all to evolve into higher forms,all life on earth would perish.

And if bacteria once started evolving,what would keep them from all
evolving? The fact that some bacteria did not evolve,because they are still with us is proof that none of the bacteria evolved!




Each genus of life demonstrates the most stubborn fixity and absolutely refuses to change into another genus, even though it has gone through many hundreds of thousands of generations.

Some bacteria and protozoa can mature and reproduce a new generation in thirty minutes; thus, over 17,500 generations could appear in one year (the equivalent of a million years of human generation)! Yet we have proof that many types of bacteria have persisted without change for thousands of years.

It is easy to get Darwinian scientists without number to bear witness that ants, bees, scorpions, oysters, grasshoppers, crabs, turtles, etc.,have remained unchanged for many millions [their word] of years!

Not a bacterium,nor alga,nor salp,worm or anything else ever evolved
higher. Check the facts and see. The Rhodesian algae are supposedly three billion years old. When are they going to evolve higher? When will amoebae,stentor,volvox,ascidian larva,ant,moss,gnat,clam or bedbug evolve higher? (Prof. L. C. Cleveland)




The world of nature is most fascinating and intriguing because of the
great versatility in creation. The Creator apparently delighted in
creating a wellnigh endless variety of life, including some creatures and plants that are so odd and strange as to defy explanation.

About one million different animal species have already been described and classified by scientists and vast numbers still are to be discovered.

Scattered over the world are such odd creatures as the bomdardier beetle, which can audibly eject with explosive force a fluid which volatizes, upon emission, into smoke.( Click here to learn about the beetle. )

From what did this creature evolve?

Strange lizards,strange snakes,odd fish,peculiar birds,monstrous
insects,weird caterpillars and fearsome animals are found in many lands and seas.

The Australian platypus is one of the strangest animals God ever made. It has fur like a seal, a flat bill like a duck, no teeth after it reaches maturity (like a chicken). It has webbed feet like a duck but has toes to dig with. It is one of the only two mammals in the world that lays eggs.Instead of nursing its young from conventional nipples, the young simply lick the mother's belly fur, and the milk follows the hair ends.

From what did it evolve? A seal? A duck? A chicken? A beaver? It is
radically different from all other animals! God made it so!
The pangolin also is one of the strangest animals alive. It has the
strangest appearance of all mammals. Its body looks like a large pinecone,having hard, sharp, overlapping scales. When surprised, the pangolin curls up, tucking its head and legs under its stomach and spreading its scaly tail over itself.

Pangolins live in Africa and India.Some of them get to be over a yard
long.The pangolin is so distinctly different it is impossible to think of any animal it might have descended from. Like the platypus, it stands alone.

Evolution cannot account for this strange animal.

Why do some species of cicadas stay underground seventeen years before coming above ground to leave the nymph stage and emerge as adult cicadas?

The answer is, God made it so.

The praying mantis is called the insect nightmare. Its bony armor
suggests a prehistoric reptile in miniature. Its body is topped by whatappears to be a caricature of a snake's head. After mating, the female kills her mate with a well-placed bite and devours him at her leisure.

From what did it evolve?

The sea horse is a small but bizarre creature that has the arching head and neck of a stallion, the swelling bosom of a pouter pigeon, the grasping tail of a monkey and the color-changing power of a chameleon. And just what did the sea horse evolve from? It is as it is because God made it so!

Think of the electric eel, with a built-in dynamo; a fish (the
photoolepharon) that carries a lantern,luminous plants placed in a
receptacle just below the fish's eyes; the climbing perch of Burma thatleaves the water and climbs trees; and thousands of other marvels of the land and air and sea. Many of these odd specimens are so different from all life below and above their level on the evolutionary ladder that scientists cannot place them in a satisfactory location in that imaginary evolutionary ladder.



The public has been led to believe that there are a few missing links,that the evolutionary chain is almost complete. As a matter of fact, there are millions of missing links, for there are over a million species of animals known, with missing links between each! There are vast gulfs between inorganic matter and life, between protozoa and metazoa. There is a missing link between any two of the phyla and between any two of the genera and between any two of the species!

Evolution faces a million and one problems, most of which have yet to be set forth by creationists. Douglas Dewar called attention to the fact that both whales and sea cows swim by the up-and-down movement of the great flattened tail. Such a movement is impossible in a land animal that has a pelvis, but a well-developed pelvis is essential to every land animal which uses its hind legs for walking.

Evolutionists claim that whales and sea cows and seals evolved from land animals. But there can be no possible series of steps from the pelvis action of the land animal to the up-and-down action of a whale's tail.

Evolutionists agree that birds evolved from reptiles; but how could scales ever evolve into feathers? And how could an animal like a sea urchin that lives in a shell ever evolve into an animal that has an inside skeleton?

They are two distinct forms of life‹and the idea of one evolving into the other just doesn't make sense, because it is impossible.

No intermediary forms of highly specialized species,such as whales, seals,turtles, kangaroos, bats, spiders, bees, etc.,have ever been found.

Moreover, such intermediary forms would be impossible to develop
gradually,for specialized organs must be perfect to function. The sonar system of bats would be worthless unless perfect. Intermediary forms,the so-called missing links, are figments of the imagination.



Casual research reveals similarities between animals, but extended
dissection has discovered greater differences between the species.

At first thought, one would say that since both men and apes have a spinal column, a cranium, ribs, a chest, heart, lungs, etc., they must be related.The similarities are not because one evolved from the other, but rather because the same Creator made them for the same environment! The Lincoln did not evolve from the Ford,rather, the same man (Ford) designed both!

When examined carefully, it is discovered that every bone in an ape's body is different to some degree from the corresponding bone in a man's body. As a matter of fact, there are over 150 major differences between the body of an ape and the body of a man. Consider for a moment the hands of a man in contrast to the front grasping feet of the ape!

There is an orderly progression of life on earth from the lower to the higher forms, but that in no wise means that the higher evolved from the lower: it simply means the Creator made and designed all forms of life to live in the environment of atmosphere or water or in the earth, as the case might be.


The geological record of fossils does not reveal an unbroken continuity of life; rather,it reveals great gaps identical to the gaps that exist in nature between the various phyla.

So far as one can see, the creatures on earth and in the sea seem to have become fixed in their lines of specialization,if any creature was ever anything else. There is no evidence in the history of the rocks that any half and half forms of life ever existed.

Geology has not produced evidence of gradual evolution. Instead of
appearing slowly and sporadically, fossils suddenly appear in their
thousands in the Cambrian strata. The few fossils cited in the
pre-Cambrian strata are in no sense intermediates,and they have largely been disputed by men of outstanding authority. It has also been demonstrated that some of these alleged pre-Cambrian fossils may well have been produced by inorganic means.

Furthermore, geology and paleontology prove that the fittest do not always survive, but at times the meek and humble do. Great armored reptiles and flying reptiles with the most formidable teeth that ever were disappeared; and unoffending deer and cattle now roam the fields the former perished on.

Dr. Austin H. Clark, the eminent zoologist, considering the entire record of the fossils, as well as living types, says:

The whales and seals have always been distinct; we do not know of any
possible way by which one of these groups could have developed into the other. Whales have always been whales; seals have always been seals. No intergrades between the seals (and whales) and other mammals are known and no intermediate forms (living or fossil) between cats and their relatives and dogs and their relatives are known. (The New Evolution, p. 181)



The body of man, starting with two minute cells (the ovum and the sperm),reveals a thousand miracles of coordination, growth, sustenance and functional ability. The liver is a chemical laboratory more wonderful than any devised by man. The blood has red blood cells that live without a nucleus and are designed to carry a maximum load. There are fifty other wonders in human blood. Miracles and wonders of the heart,muscles, lungs,kidneys, nervous system, ductless glands are past finding out!

The body of man is wonderful; his mind is far more so. How can the four hundred square inches of the cerebrum cortex,one-eighth inch thick,account for such marvels as memory,thought,consciousness, reason,imagination and the subtle wonders of the subconscious mind? How does the mind of man interpret what the eyes see and actually make a man see?

Think of the exalted qualities that man possesses,in addition to the
fundamental abilities of the mind to remember,think and imagine. Man hasmoral qualities‹he knows right from wrong; and he has an aesthetic
nature,he can appreciate things that are beautiful. He has aspiritual
nature,it is possible for man to come to know God through Christ and have fellowship with Him! This is the highest achievement possible to man.

There is a vast gap between the mind of man and the mind of an ape.
An ape has no Broca's area (speech center),so it is impossible for an ape tolearn to use language in organized speech,speech that represents ideas.

The brain of an ape is less than half the size of the average brain of a man. It is impossible for man to have evolved as the result of random changes or chance mutations; his body and mind are so highly complex, they had to be created.


There are untold thousands of mysteries in our world and universe that defy explanation. We do not know one-tenth of one percent about anything.

We do not know what life is; nor do we understand electricity,
gravitation,magnetism, light or radiation mysteries. We cannot explain the secrets of photosynthesis, metamorphosis, or the aging process that goes on at all times in all life.

The origin of sex, the cause of cell mitosis, the origin of the endless motion in the atom and the terrifying power resident in the nucleus of the atom are all deep, deep enigmas.

We cannot explain the death march of lemmings any more than we can explain the migration of eels. Nor do we understand why the migration of eels is exactly opposite from the migration of salmon. Salmon leave the rivers to migrate to the sea; eel leave the ocean to migrate to the fresh waters of the rivers of Europe. Why?

It is one of the ironies of modern science that the most elementary
questions are still the hardest to answer. How, for instance, is a new animal created? We know that an egg and a spermatozoan unite to form a single cell, and this union somehow sets in motion a chain of events that gives rise to a new being. But what trigger, what spark starts the process?

(Alberto Monroy, in an article on Fertilization in the Scientific


Why do we know so little? Because God is infinite in His methods and
works; therefore, He has involved all His works with mysteries and
processes that are commonplace to Him but will ever be miracles and
marvels to us. God's works are on a higher plane than man¹s works,as all phases of creation bear witness.

In closing, let me say, I trust that many who read these pages will come to believe in creation rather than in evolution. However, it is even more important for each person to come to a saving faith in Christ the Redeemer.

Without a personal acceptance of Christ as Saviour, all human philosophies will lead but to eternal loss and despair. The secret of eternal life is in Christ.


Reader, why not accept the eternal life that Christ offers to all who
trust in Him? The secret of obtaining eternal life is given in
John 3:16:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

This is an added message by Larry Johnson:
IF you have not accepted Jesus as your personal saviour, why not? It is too much of a gamble to take a chance. What must one do? Jesus made it simple:

Wherever you are simply say," Lord Jesus, I accept the price you paid for my sins. I accept your offer of eternal salvation. I ask you now to come into my heart  and  be the light of my life and my saviour. I ask you to forgive me of my sins, because I am a sinner.I thank you. Amen."

If you said the above and meant it, you now have eternal life. No lightning struck.
You will still get sick. You will still grow old. You will still have troubles. The only thing that happened is that you will now have eternal life and have it fantacterriffic.
And believe it or not you are now my brother or sister.